Дата: Понедельник, 2010-Фев-01, 19:52 | Сообщение # 31
Друг семьи Каллен
Группа: V.I.P.
Номерок ICQ: 486513008
My Team:
Quote (sally_boo_boo)
live between native speakers =)
I want to but little per cent of people in our country can speak English without mistakes,it is not our native tongue. I want to practice in USA or England but it expensive and I need much time.More then 10 days...
Дата: Вторник, 2010-Фев-16, 18:37 | Сообщение # 34
Член клана Волтури
Группа: Модераторы
Номерок ICQ: 554281344
My Team:
The last movie I've seen it is a Valentine's day. Romantic comedy. A lot of fun of course. I'm not a pity watching it. But there were some elements of american humor which imposible to understand for Slavonic people. For example, a moment spending a time on the graveyard. Guys, whats wrong with you? Don't you have any better places for spending the Valentine's Day? This is the movie for one day in the year and creators had used it just excellent. I can say that Taylors playing two lovers took part in this film only for attraction. Cause I'm sure that creators new that most of team Jacob will visit the cinema. For them the main reason for watcing is Taylor Lautner. But his role was a minor and do not closely related with the main story.
Дата: Пятница, 2010-Окт-08, 17:44 | Сообщение # 36
Новообращенный вампир
Группа: Друзья
My Team:
Ok, I finally put my hands on Vampire diaries... God, Damon and Stefan are so yummy! Elena is just a very lucky b..ch (sorry, i just swear a lot while speaking/writing English, terrible habit, i know). I like that in VD they talk slowly, though sometimes I have some trouble understanding Damon but that I guess cause I'm ogling him. But I digress.
Who would you rather trust? A vampire or a politician? - Eric Northman
Дата: Воскресенье, 2010-Окт-10, 21:41 | Сообщение # 38
Новообращенный вампир
Группа: Друзья
My Team:
Майя, he's amazing. Everything he says it's like you can quote it! i like how he's being ironical, sarcastic etc... all we have to do is sit back,relax and enjoy the view)))
Who would you rather trust? A vampire or a politician? - Eric Northman
Тайны, загадки и головоломки, составляющие нашего существования.
Красота, гармония и плавность – жизненная сила Мира. Стремиться к
совершенству и по пути не свернуть с нужной дороги – мечта каждого. А о
чем мечтаешь ты? Открой свои возможности вместе с форумом Сумерки. Игра
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